Working on a Master Plan: Get Organized

In my previous post, I mentioned that being prepared is setting yourself up for success.  There is a saying I like to use in situations where some partying is going to happen:  Be smart about being stupid!  It means what is says.  Do not ruin your own good time because you were not prepared forContinue reading "Working on a Master Plan: Get Organized"

Got to Start Somewhere: Why I Created the Blog *The ART of FUN*

The roots of this blog came from a nickname that was given to me: G.I. Festival Jayne. My good friend *Megan*S* coined this nickname for me while we were in Oregon August 2017 for the Total Eclipse. Long story short, I had all the things, at all the right times. Basically, once a girl scout,Continue reading "Got to Start Somewhere: Why I Created the Blog *The ART of FUN*"